Terrazzo Tile Is Making A Comeback
, by Initial Tiles, 5 min reading time
, by Initial Tiles, 5 min reading time
Terrazzo originated in Italy over 500 years ago when Italian construction workers thought of using marble scraps left over from their construction jobs to create their own tiles. These designs gained popularity in the 1920s when the Art Deco style was defining architecture and design.
Then, the terrazzo with its one-of-a-kind texture was a popular fixture for commercial spaces like banks, schools, government buildings, airports, etc. But now, this eye-catching tile has made a strong comeback with a modern take not just in commercial flooring but also in home decor.
Terrazzo tile is made of recycled glass pieces, specks of marble, granite, quartz mixed with cement or an epoxy binder. This composite material is poured into a cast to set, followed by your desired finish - polished, honed, or sandblasted.
With its versatile look that illuminates a warmer feeling than marble, it's no secret why the terrazzo tile has quickly become everyone's personal favourite since it has the following benefits too:
When it comes to the materials involved in terrazzo tiles and the design they could portray, there are just infinite possibilities for the boldest and most amazing styles. This particular tile comes in every colour imaginable, along with customised shades ranging from natural tones to noticeable hues. There is a reason it never goes out of style because the tiles are unique in themselves and can be used to create various themes like stylish and subtle mosaic patterns, a modern monochromatic look, rustic country spaces and even Victorian themes.
Because terrazzo tiles can engage with any style, they are versatile enough to be used for other applications and not just as floor tiles. They can be used on walls, countertops, and as backsplashes in kitchens, as they increase the aesthetic value of any space immediately on addition. And since they are extremely heat and waterproof, they can be used for indoor as well as outdoor space.
Apart from making a style statement with its versatile attributes, choosing terrazzo tiles is the most ecologically-friendly decision you can make. The terrazzo tiles are typically made out of a blend of natural aggregates such as granite, marble, and quartz, along with recycled glass. This composition of materials gives the tiles their unique speckled appearance. The materials used are generally scraps leftover from previous projects. Therefore they are extremely sustainable and cause no harm to the environment in their production.
Unlike other bathroom and kitchen flooring options like hardwood, terrazzo tiles are easy to clean and are bacteria-resistant when correctly sealed. All they require to last a lifetime is regular sweeping and mopping. If you want to reduce your daily tasks, you should definitely install terrazzo surfaces.
Since terrazzo can also be poured like concrete and not just used as tiles, it opens up a whole new dimension for designers to work with. You can create custom designs of feature logos, artistic shapes, mural art and a lot more with this method.
The wet solution of the desired colour is poured on-site by professionals. The different parts of the design that require different colours are divided using divider strips so that the mixture does not flow from one section to the other. Once all the solution has been poured into all the sections, it is left to cure. Finally, it is honed and polished according to your desired finish. You can also use custom inlays of brass or other metals to divide the sections.
The most sustainable tile, terrazzo, is also highly durable and offers more resistance than any other tile material out there. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for floors with high traffic, outside patios, and even your backyard since they can withstand extreme climatic conditions while maintaining the sophistication of your space. The very existence of this fantastic tile is so strong that with a bit of maintenance, it can last anywhere from 75 to 100 years!
A point of consideration here is that while the resin from the epoxy binder improves durability and makes the tile less susceptible to mould and cracks, it is not suitable for outdoor spaces. Therefore, you should use cement-based tiles for outdoor floors.
However, this spell-binding terrazzo tile can also be available as cheap floor tiles that are inferior and laxly produced, resulting in porosity, discolouration, and brittleness. Whereas Italian made terrazzo are manufactured under strict instructions to ensure there is no compromise in their high-end quality.
Therefore, you must look into the background and experience of tile suppliers to acquire the best tiles at affordable prices.
Initial Tiles & Bathware has been importing and distributing a wide range of amazing quality low-priced tiles to homes throughout Sydney's West. We supply the best terrazzo tiles available in various structures and colours to suit any style. If the article helped you in understanding terrazzo tiles, then let us assist you in reliving the 1920s by employing the trendiest tiles that made a comeback.
Contact us today to get your free samples.